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Most change-management programs crash and burn. Ironically, management is often the reason.
Why? It’s up to management to hire the right people, and to invest in the right tools while inspiring employees to accept and drive change.
Simply consider all the solutions companies need to implement such as high-morale programs and initiatives to partner with employees, which will also solve employee absenteeism.
You don’t have to must take my word for it.
Seventy percent of change-management programs don’t succeed for two reasons – lack of management support and employee resistance, according to an article entitled, Changing change management, in McKinsey & Company Insights.
Predictably, the consulting firm claims such change program behind the times. McKinsey advocates investing in the newest digital tools.
The authors maintain enlightened executives enjoy stronger results — nearly a third higher — than their counterparts.
The authors: Boris Ewenstein, a principal in McKinsey’s Johannesburg office; and consultant Wesley Smith; and associate principal Ashvin Sologar.
As a result of rapidly changing technology, the authors rightfully point out that companies that master change-management programs will gain a distinct competitive edge.
Hence, they remind us that long-term strategic planning is hampered by the Digital Age.
It’s up to management to hire the right people, and to invest in the right tools while inspiring employees to accept and drive change.
The authors assert that companies can no longer take a lot of time to change. This underscores the importance of quickness in flexibility – determining priorities and carrying out initiatives fast — very fast.
That’s especially true for multi-nation corporations.
How do they recommend companies stay ahead of consumers who use new digital tools? They maintain B2C companies should use the same tools they sell to consumers for change management.
The consultants advocate five ways to use digital tools. Here are their paraphrased points:
1. Use new technology to provide immediate input
The authors suggest giving immediate feedback to allow employees to act quickly.
2. Customize communication
The authors advocate customizing information so that employees individually see information they consider relevant.
3. Establish direct communication
Be direct. Provide an instantaneous source of information.
4. Use the Golden Rule
Treat employees like you’d want to be treated with opportunities to share communication, including status reports and comments by others.
5. Show the results
In large companies, not all employees can spot change right away. So use digital tools for instantaneous communication.
Their points are well-taken. Great insights, as usual.
And again, the ball is in management’s court – to hire the right people, and o use the right tools while inspiring them to accept and drive change.
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“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like to be taught.”
-Winston Churchill