So you’re creative in marketing. You’re innovative in human resources. Your company probably has an impressive mission statement.

But do you have strong profits?

If not, are you effectively aligning business strategies with your HR department? The answer is likely no even if you have an HR mission statement.

The most-profitable companies develop an effective HR mission statement tied with business strategies.

Why? They inspire employees and motivate senior management to become stronger leaders.

Typically, even if companies have HR mission statements, they’re badly written and don’t manifest business strategies.

Characteristically, the statements are littered with contemporary buzz words and jargon.

Exemplary HR mission statements are businesslike – they give inspiring guidance by aligning HR initiatives with a company’s overall business objectives.

To develop a businesslike HR mission statement, here are six steps:

1. Budget time for blue-sky sessions. Such brainstorming requires a pen or pencil, a notepad and a change of scenery for creativity.

Ask each person who has HR duties to list the department’s goals, priorities and values.

Understanding that a team is only as strong as the weakest person, then ask each person to list their personal achievements that lead to profits.

Ask the persons to write how they spend their time each day. Why are they effective and why not?

Ask them to list the department’s overall achievements regarding business profit.

The next step is ask them to write what they’re ideal personal situation would be, and what should an HR mission statement look like to reach the company’s business goals.

2. Follow the same process with senior management. That would include all functions from marketing and sales to operations.

With an eye on strategies and objectives, they should then analyze the elements that stimulate profits.

3. Purify and refine your HR’s core values and drivers. Stay focused. Summarize them in a maximum of five specific, powerful sentences.

This will be your tentative HR mission statement.

4. Evaluate all of your HR initiatives. Decide which of them corroborate your tentative mission statement.

Determine which of them don’t. Scrap the activities that don’t lead to your company’s goals.

5. Hand out the mission statement to all managers and most-talented employees. Ask them to comment on it and to predict what they think will lead to strong profits.

6. Review the feedback and take action. Make the necessary changes for your new HR mission statement.

You should have a document that explains how your HR department will help your company reach its business goals, and specifies how the approach will quantify success.

So avoid the inane bucket list of HR tasks.

Instead, explain your HR’s responsibilities and how success will be competitively measured.

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“An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.”

-Mae West


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.