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Productivity is certainly a question mark as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

The key is to focus on efficiency, especially if many of your employees must work from home.

Efficiency is enhanced by high employee morale. That means you should take steps to alleviate the effects of a stressful situation.

Market your vision for the mission

Employees are more efficient when they know their work makes a difference for your organization and the community.

Your workers periodically need to be reminded on the value their performance provides.

This is true for in-house employees but even more important for remote workers and telecommuters who don’t benefit from personal interactions at your office.

Determine the best ways to communicate

You must have open lines of communication to be able to act quickly in a tenuous situation like the coronavirus outbreak.

Schedule regular phone calls with your team. As needs arise, have unplanned conversations.

More importantly, take full advantage of technology to replicate your in-house interactions.

It’s true that non-verbal communication is very effective, so consider video conferencing – whether you’re brainstorming or discussing policies.

Take advantage of opportunities to enhance employee loyalty

Employees appreciate personal attention. They feel a stronger connection to your organization.

Regular and unscheduled personal check-ins with each team member are important. This will maintain their confidence and morale.

It should be a dialogue, not a monologue.

Employees will appreciate the opportunities to ask questions.

So show interest. It’s your opportunity to bond with your employee.

Ask open-ended questions about the person’s passions, hobbies and family life. Take notes. Remember to mention the details in followup conversations with your employee.

Show appreciation

Because remote workers don’t get face-time with you, they might tend to feel they’re not appreciated.

All employees appreciate recognition and a thank you for good performance.

So, a gift certificate for outstanding work, mention in your company’s newsletter or a complimentary email work wonders.

And never end a communication until you take the opportunity to say thank you.

From the Coach’s Corner, related information:

Precautions for Your Workplace Coronavirus Plan – Be especially mindful of employees who have symptoms similar to acute respiratory ailments such cough, fever and shortness of breath.

Coronavirus Prompts Best Strategies for a Remote Workforce – To achieve the most productivity with employees working from home as a result of the coronavirus, the right tech-contingency strategies will prevent disruption in your company’s operations.

Tips to Make Your Telecommuters Feel Part of the Team – It’s important to develop and implement strategies for telecommuters to feel a strong connection with you and other onsite and offsite staff members. Here are suggestions.

Understanding Your Employees Is Key to Beat Competitors – Understanding your employees’ experience at work is key to winning in your workplace and ultimately winning in your marketplace.

“If you offshore, if you telecommute, if you do anything to minimize your company’s physical real estate, there are real consequences to its culture and cohesion.”

-Dylan Taylor


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.