Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay


For success in virtually onboarding remote employees, businesses must use the law-of-attraction approach – just as they’ve done for decades in attracting new customers.

The law of attraction for business is basically the process of attracting the objective on which they are focusing.


For example, since 1928, retailers have been using the law of attraction with “new mover marketing” via Welcome Wagon for introductions to new customers.

That would be new residents just after they’ve moved into the neighborhood. Then, Welcome Wagon shows up with a gift book and coupons from local businesses.

Welcome Wagon operates under the theory that new residents are five times more likely to become loyal customers of the best welcoming businesses.

The same law-of-attraction principle is true with virtual onboarding in welcoming new remote workers.

Really? Yes.

If you do virtual onboarding right, your company and new employees will mutually benefit for a long time. This includes enhancing your company culture.

Key components of virtual onboarding

To start a session with a new hire, include impressive anecdotes or personal stories about your company history and culture.

Invite senior management to greet the employees and to explain your company values, objectives, strategies, products and services.

Preferably, this should be done in the live presentation. But, if necessary, have the big boss or bosses videotape their comments for the onboarding session.

Also include legal, compliance, health and safety policy information. That means the Fail Labor Standards Act as well as equal opportunity, anti-retaliation, and sexual harassment policies.


Coronavirus Prompts Best Strategies for a Remote Workforce


Highlight your benefits program.

Make it an interactive communication. Explain your deadlines and carefully answer all questions.

So employees can later refer to important details, make certain you send them resource guides in a PDF or PowerPoint format.

Prepare online training for follow-up details, especially on security and technology including advice on communication – messaging and video conferencing.

A welcoming law-of-attraction approach will launch a lengthy relationship with your employees and will help enhance your company culture. Good luck.

From the Coach’s Corner, editor’s picks:

Tips to Make Your Telecommuters Feel Part of the Team — It’s important to develop and implement strategies for telecommuters to feel a strong connection with you and other onsite and offsite staff members. Here are suggestions.

Vital Cybersecurity: Your Remote Staff in COVID-19 Crisis — With more people working at home during the day, Internet usage has exploded. So have cyber threats, according to published reports. Here are important tips.

Tips for Telecommuters to Optimize Home Internet Service — The lifestyles and careers of millions of Americans have, of course, changed as a result of the coronavirus crisis. If you’re a remote worker, and if you have children at home, your home Internet service might need to be optimized. Here are five tips.

Is New Managing Approach Needed for Your Remote Staff? — If your company is relying on remote workers as the result of the coronavirus pandemic, you might need to be more astute in managing your staff. Here’s why and what you can do.

Secrets on Giving Performance Reviews to Remote Workers — Certainly, virtual performance reviews are needed for telecommuters. Video tools are vital in performance reviews. They’re very telling. Here’s why and how.

“As a leader, you must consistently drive effective communication. Meetings must be deliberate and intentional – your organizational rhythm should value purpose over habit and effectiveness over efficiency.”

-Chris Fussell


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.