Photo by Mahmud Ahsan on Unsplash


Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Water is the driving force of all nature. ”So, if you’re looking to beautify your commercial business or home to increase its value, one great way is to add a water feature.

You have many choices such as a waterfall, water fountain, birdbath, brook or pond.

Perhaps you’re like a lot of people during the pandemic. COVID-19 has kept people at home a lot more than usual. Why not enjoy your home more? You might never want to take another vacation to a far away land.

But don’t jump into installing a water feature without considering all your options – pro and con.

For example: Consider the size of your property, how you use your property and your desired outcome.

Some people use ponds just to view or for fishing or swimming.

At the minimum, whatever you install will enhance your curb appeal and make your property more enjoyable – not to mention boosting the value of your property. Personal enjoyment and gratification are what most owners want to accomplish.

It’s fun to strategize about installing a water feature and to consider its potential for sheer beauty and enhancing the value of your property.

Looking at water is very relaxing. So is listening to waterfalls and fountains. It reduces stress and even helps to drown out noisy traffic in urban areas.

A reflective pool of water highlights a garden.

Ponds can have koi. (I have a valued friend and client in a rural area with a large pond that attracts Canadian geese. And every spring, she marvels while watching the young goslings follow mom and dad paddling in the water and walking around her property.)

An ornamental pool often has an inviting fountain. A water garden features a myriad of aquatic plant life.

So not only will a water feature enhance your home, but it’s a desired feature if you have commercial buildings, too.

For more visuals and ideas, see this helpful infographic:

How a Water Feature can Increase your Property Value from Trophy Pond

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“Water is the driving force of all nature.”

-Leonardo da Vinci


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.