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Under-performing employees will hurt your organization. Unfortunately, it seems to be prevalent everywhere.

Yes, a major quandary for managers is to bring out the best in their employees. Every manager wants to do it, but it’s not always easy.

What’s the reason? Usually, it’s because employees are disengaged – disconnected from their managers and companies.

However, there are techniques in management that will solve the problem of employee disengagement; and they don’t cost anything but your effort.

To breed higher productivity, here are five easy ways:

1. Set the right tone

Employees will be more likely to follow you, if you set the right tone.

That means making sure you manage in an even-handed fashion with exemplary ethics.

Many managers think they can take shortcuts and get away with it. Not true. It’s important to play by the same rules you expect.

If you do, your employees are more inclined to respect you.

2. Be empathetic about your employees’ careers

High performing companies have managers who focus on career development of their workers. Show a sincere interest in your employees.

You’re more likely to build loyalty, which prevents a lot of issues – they include high absentee rates, poor productivity and morale issues. This means you’ll save a lot of time and money.

As a manager, you owe it to your organization to help employees to grow professionally.

3. Set goals, but make them attainable

Being ambitious is good, but make your expectations realistic.  Set targets that encourage your employees to grow in informal daily expectations and in your formal goals.

You can expect excellence. Communicate high but reasonable goals.

In this way, you’ll breed confident employees. When they become more confident, they’ll be motivated for higher performance in the future.

You can stimulate productivity by encouraging work breaks.

4. Regularly provide honest feedback

Don’t make the mistake of being inconsistent. You must give honest feedback on a regular basis.

Transparency is important.

Whether it’s positive or negative feedback, employees must be apprised regularly. Employees need to know how and where they stand regarding their performance.

Additionally, coaching is important for a higher-performing workforce. You will replace mediocrity with strong performance. So optimize your talent management.

5. Get well-acquainted with your staff members

The most-effective managers are insightful about their employees. In other words, they’re employee-centric.

Strive to understand your employees, if you want to motivate them. Find out their concerns.

Learn what interests them. There are many things to learn – from what motivates them. It could be more flexibility to be with their families, money, recognition or a bigger office.

There’s a correlation among excellent sales, happy customers, and high employee morale. Proverbially speaking, employees are where the tire meets the road.

You’ll better know your options if you know them better. In fact, savvy employers know how to profit from their human capital.

Such knowledge is a powerful weapon for high performance in a competitive marketplace. Why? You can even motivate employees to offer profitable ideas.

From the Coach’s Corner, more management strategies:

10 Management Attributes for Effective Communication — Communication skills are critical for managers. People with enhanced abilities in communication typically have successful relationships at work and home. Good communicators typically have 10 attributes.

Risk Management When Competitors Raid Your Employees — If competitors raid your employees, here are risk-management tips.

Strategies to Make Change Management Programs Work — Management is mostly to blame because most change-management programs crash and burn. Why? It’s up to management to hire the right people, and to invest in the right tools while inspiring employees to accept and drive change. Here’s how.

Management — 5 Frequent Causes of Cost Overruns and Failures — Extensive research shows how and why corporate projects result in cost overruns and failures. The academic study is entitled, ‘Yes Men’ Are Killing Corporate Projects. The research reported rampant misreporting of project statuses at all levels of the companies. The errant information is prompted from cultural predispositions to career aspirations.

HR Management – 8 Best Practices in Employee Delegation — Avoid frustration in delegation. Save yourself time and develop your staff for the welfare of your organization. Delegation is a fundamental driver of organizational growth. Managers who are effective in delegation show leadership. They know they’ll be more effective in management and that they’ll develop their employees.

“Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.”

-Tony Hsieh


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is also a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.