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Here are valuable writing tips to help you sell online more profitably. Plus, a terrific infographic to guide you.


These days everyone is focused on digital communication. People are shopping online more than ever, using their smart devices to find the products and services they want.

As a small business, this means you need to find ways to stand out, so consumers buy from you and not your competition.

Start with your online listings and offer promotions, which need to be both compelling and persuasive. Here’s a winning way to write effective online listings that are going to make your customers pay attention to what you’re selling.

Use Psychology to Connect With Consumers

Part of your marketing plan should be providing a great customer experience. One of the ways you can do this is by creating effective listings using words that bring out positive emotions in your customers.

Why do emotions matter? Because how people feel about what you’re selling is one of the most powerful ways to make connections that encourage them to buy.

  • Connect emotionally with people – One of the ways to build connections with users is by telling a story that creates positive emotions.
  • Provide the facts – Back up what you’re selling with accurate information and details. This will increase the value of your product or service.
  • Present solutions to problems – Highlight concerns and problems your customers may have by featuring a positive solution.
  • Talk about pricing – Be upfront about prices and use pricing strategies that work. Consumers will be more convinced to buy if they think you’re offering a deal, so make sure those deals stand out visually by using different color and font than the rest of the text in your listing.

Strategize Your Online Listings

It’s not just the words you use in your online listings that are going to sell your product or service – it also comes down to when you’re posting and what your listing looks like.

The best times to post

You want to get as many people as possible to view your listings, so you’ll need to post during those times when consumers are the most engaged online. You can write your listings ahead of time but post on weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays will get the best traffic.

Write headlines that stand out

Your headline needs to grab attention quickly or people will move on. Write titles that are easy to read, to the point and no more than 40 to 80 characters.

Provide the details

Consumers want to know exactly what your business is selling. Write about the best features of your product, using bullets or short sentences so it’s easy for people to read.

Add visual elements

Consumers react better to listings that have visual elements, such as images, videos, or other interactive features such as graphs.

Use powerful adjectives

Avoid overused adjectives and instead, use words that add flair to your listing. It’s these adjectives that will let you paint a more vivid picture of what you’re selling.

Create Easy to Read Text 

Design your listing for readability. The easier it is for consumers to read, the more likely it is that they’ll read your listing from start to finish.

The best choices for readable text

  • Sans serif font.
  • Professional font, such as Gotham, Arial, or Verdana.
  • White space to create contrast between background and text.

One of the most effective ways that small and medium-sized businesses can stay competitive is by writing online listings and promotions that are appealing and persuasive.

Keep your ideal customer’s mindset at the forefront when writing your listings to get the attention of consumers. To save these tips as a visual, check out the resource below by ForSaleByOwner.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are links to relevant sources of information:

Marketing Checklist – Tips for Growth and Winning – Here are fundamentals in marketing, plus links to additional relevant information.

Improve Your Customer Service the Right Way with Chatbots – By scanning for keywords from a customer’s message — then replying with keywords from a database when they’re off-target — can be annoying to the recipient. Here’s how your chatbot system will enhance your customer service.

Sales Success: Flawless ‘Brand Personality Appeal’ Is Vital – How you can gauge your brand’s personality appeal – if it’s suitable to yield great sales. Here’s a checklist of 16 important factors to measure your brand’s personality.

Ecommerce – How to Improve Conversion of Mobile Shoppers – To convert your mobile visitors to customers, you must understand their mindsets. You see, mobile shoppers have different goals and obstacles than desktop users.

Free Vital Email-Marketing Tools (or Have Free Trial Periods) – Whatever your business, whether it’s B2B or B2C, email marketing is a cost-effective way of targeting your prospects and connecting with your current and past customers. For important email marketing tools that are either free or have gratis trial options, here is a list.

“Selling is helping people to do what they’re already inclined to do.”

-Daniel H. Pink


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.