Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Brain power will define your career in our era of rapid technological change in the 21st century.
Continual self-education is crucial to develop a lifelong prowess of keeping an open mind for new ideas, models, quick thinking and skills.
A self-sustained curiosity will accelerate your career, business and your personal life.
Indeed, a growth mindset will improve your abilities, intelligence and performance.
Further, if you’re looking to develop your brain power to advance your career or perhaps to become a leader, having a good memory is critical.
3 Keys for Maximizing Your Cognitive Skills, Better Health
If you have a good memory – your ability to hold a thought or to focus on learning even during possible distractions – you’ll have adequate reasoning power.
Consider that reading is to your mind what exercise is for your body. So you must read a lot and grow your abilities.
And you must teach others what you know. Why? Learners are able to retain what they know, if they explain concepts to others. You can’t keep knowledge unless you give it away.
So, how can you train for the ability to improve your memory? It requires a lot more than eating blueberries, broccoli and dark chocolate.
From the Coach’s Corner, consider these career-growth tips:
For Career Success, How to Train Your Mind to Focus – It’s no accident when people have total control. They are able to focus by keeping their minds on the priorities in front of them. Here are nine tips.
“Memory… is the diary that we all carry about with us.”
-Oscar Wilde