Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash


When it comes to creating a vibrant company culture, you might be surprised that some excellent inspiration can be found in various episodes of the TV series, The Office.

Remember the program? Here are some of the best moments from The Office:

Take, for instance, the episode where Michael helped Pam advance from office administrator to sales representative to office manager.

He might’ve been doing it because he saw the value this brought to the team. But the bottom line was that this is a great example of fostering an employee’s career growth, which is something everyone in management positions should take seriously.


Habits of Leaders Who Have Positive Workplace Cultures


Other tips

Other company culture tips you can take from the show include supporting your teammates outside the office, remembering the vital role that HR plays, setting aside time for team-building exercises, and more.

From figuring out just how friendly a boss should be with employees to understanding how to handle a workplace romance, The Office truly delivers.

To learn a little more about company culture from a show we all know and love, take a look at the following graphic.

Company culture tips from the office


From the Coach’s Corner, additional strategies for improved business culture and performance:

For Best Business Performance, How to Evaluate Your Culture — If you’re convinced that your marketing is top shelf but your business is not enjoying its full potential, chances are you need to evaluate your culture. Here’s how.

For High Performance Create an Emotionally Intelligent Culture — The benefits of an emotionally-intelligent culture are huge. Such organizations have strong sales, great customer loyalty and high employee morale — all because their employees have emotional intelligence. Here’s how.

For Profits, High-Performing Cultures Have 7 Traits — Why is it that some company cultures have teams of high performers who generate profits? Such team members collectively excel because they share seven inter-related traits.

Inexpensive Ways to Create a Fun, High-Performance Culture — Here are ways that will accomplish more than you dare even to hope to improve your culture – maximizing employee morale to inspire them to outstanding performance and loyalty to your organization.

Welcoming New Hires the Right Way Enhances Your Culture — What is your plan for welcoming new employees? If you don’t plan well, you risk alienating your new employees, your organization’s culture and ultimately hurting your business performance.

“If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.”

-Elon Musk


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is also a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.