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Newly hired employees at all levels are often apprehensive. But a successful onboarding of a new manager requires extra diligence. That’s true for the new manager, team members and the hiring person, too.


A new manager is an important recruitment for the hiring boss, especially if the company isn’t realizing its profit potential. Such companies want managers who will improve business performance.

Beware, the staff will usually be nervous about getting a new boss, and many employees will assume the new manager will confidently perform like a veteran boss. That’s nearly impossible because the problem is a new manager, especially a young person, still has to learn the workings of the company concurrently all while meeting the employees.

Success in hiring a new manager necessitates a specific checklist or strategies coinciding with the person’s 90-day probationary period with three 30-day increments.


Success in hiring a new manager necessitates a specific checklist or strategies coinciding with the person’s 90-day probationary period with three 30-day increments.


In multiple ways, a 90-day checklist helps the new manager — and by extension the organization — if it aligns well with a strategic job description.

Goal-setting that’s specific and measurable all but guarantees efficiency and success for both the manager and employer.

No situation is the same, but you can customize and insert dates using the following generic 90-day strategies as a template that’s broken into three monthly segments.

First month

Start with the basics: Orienting the new manager about the organization, its mission, the organization’s philosophies for policies and about the staff. Then, set the overall goals for the new hire.

Naturally, be mindful that communication and planning promote respect and trust.

Eight 30-day specifics:

  1. In addition to all necessary paperwork, develop a schedule for the three months. From the perspective of subordinate employees and management, study all company values and policies from absenteeism to implementing a personal improvement plan.
  2. Focus on technology so the new manager knows all the vital tools to do the work of the company.
  3. Share the job descriptions of staff members before the new manager meets them. Provide necessary insights into all workers — from how to motivate the differences in personalities — to their known off-work hobbies, interests and families. In essence, familiarize the new manager with your employees’ lifestyles.
  4. Hold a staff meeting to give the new manager an opportunity to show enthusiasm about working with the team, and to discuss salient issues and short-term goals.
  5. Figuratively and literally, the new manager should walk the floor looking for opportunities to listen to the team members, as well as learning about the culture and the employees as individuals, and to observe their work.
  6. Encourage the new manager to connect with as many employees as possible in other departments to form relationships.
  7. The new manager should be shown budgets and learn the key performance indicators. Especially in a B2B or B2C sales environment, the new hire should meet with important customers and stakeholders outside the company.
  8. Near the end of the first 30 days, it’s important for the new manager to sit down for a meeting with the hiring boss. The discussion should include the new manager’s performance and progress. Any issues should be addressed as well as new priorities or problems.

Second month

By now, the new manager has established some footing and can start making a contribution. The person should continue listening and asking questions, but should also be assertive in leading the team.

Eight implementations:

  1. This is a period for the new manager to give a lot of thought to responsibilities and the welfare of the organization including an analysis of budgets and resources.
  2. For any challenges, especially to save time and money, the new manager should strategize for solutions.
  3. The new leader should schedule at least one meeting to discuss the issues and priorities. Listening to staff members will be very important, as it will be to utilize the goal-setting acronym, SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  4. For motivation to emphasize teamwork, suggest the manager set up a contest to challenge and motivate the team.
  5. Walking the floor should continue with informal conversations with team members with a focus on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as seeking feedback from the new manager including suggestions for productivity and growth.
  6. After developing a credible reputation by spending an appropriate amount of time in the first 30 days learning and listening, now’s the time for the new manager to show leadership by initiating small projects.
  7. It’s also time to emphasize appreciation for extra effort and work by individual team members. That should certainly include a sincere email or written note.
  8. The second month should conclude with a formal meeting with the hiring manager to discuss the new manager’s role in furthering the company and managerial talent for productivity to motivate employees. Listening is important for both. The discussion should include both challenges and progress, as well as accepting feedback from the new manager.

Third month

The new manager is now in a position to be more strident as a leader.

At least five action steps are needed:

  1. The new manager should start with typical staffing questions, such as: Are different or additional employees needed? Do any employees need different roles? Do any employees need coaching, a personal improvement plan or termination?
  2. Analysis is needed before implementing any suggested ideas or projects.
  3. A staff meeting is needed to discuss team performance including how to improve performance, answer employees’ questions, and do what’s necessary to maintain morale and progress.
  4. The new manager should continue walking the floor and have discussions with individual team members. Employees often need feedback, and for them to have an opportunity to discuss their concerns and career goals. Career suggestions for the employees would be helpful — to motivate them and for retention purposes to minimize turnover.
  5. A formal meeting between the new manager and boss is important to discuss achievements and feedback. More will be revealed about the new person’s potential to contribute to the welfare of the organization.

Companies implementing these principles experience a positive culture by optimizing teamwork, morale and productivity. This will likely lay a foundation for enhanced profits.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are related sources of information:

3 Traits a New Manager Needs for Success — Whenever possible, promoting employees to management from within is an ideal approach. Here’s how to make certain you’re promoting the right employee.

How New Managers Can Win as Great Communicators — Poor communication results in managerial dysfunction because a significant number of workers is mistakenly promoted into management. Consequently, here’s how new managers typically misfire in communication and what they can do to avoid it.

25 Strategies to Succeed as a New Manager — Congratulations, new manager. Welcome to a job you’ll find most challenging – and satisfying – if you do it right. You’ll be carefully watched by your staff. You’ll be judged on values demonstrated by your actions. What values will you show your employees?

Optimize Talent Management with 5 Coaching Culture Tips — When managers become coaches, you get a higher-performing workforce. You will have replaced mediocrity with strong performance. Here’s how to develop a coaching culture.

Best Practices to Become the World’s Best Boss — Does your company have gaps in management expertise? Here’s an overview of the key basics.

6 Strategies to Deal with Employee Complaints — Besides giving you a management migraine, bad employee morale will hurt your workplace environment as well as your profits. So it’s important to immediately address problems. Here’s how.

“The one thing that I know is that you win with good people.”

-Don Shula


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.