Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash


These days you may find yourself spending a lot of time at home whether that’s exercising at home, taking classes at home, or even working from home.

Being at home all day, instead of coming home from work to your home as a place to release can take a toll on your well-being. 

Here are four ways to optimize your home for your mental health.

1. Designate A Work Space

Working remotely can make it difficult to establish a work-life balance and boundaries. Try designating a space in your home just for work and another space for relaxation.

For example, if you have enough space to designate a room as your office, make that the place where you go to work.

If you don’t have a whole room to dedicate to where you work, a corner nook will work as well. For the spot designated to relaxing, remove electronics from the room or area to get the most out of the space. 

2. Let There be Light

Each morning try getting into the habit of opening your curtains to bring in some natural sunlight. Natural light is good for your overall health and the exposure to the sun will be your source for vitamin D.

This will also help boost your level of serotonin, helping you stay calm and focused. 

Try moving your workspace in front of the window to maximize the natural light coming into your home. If you are in an area where sunlight can be rare, try a sun lamp to still get access to vitamin D.

Even changing the lightbulbs to warm hues can be effective in boosting your mood. 

3. Personalize Your Decor

Create a space that caters to you, after all it is your home. Fill your space with things that bring joy such as family photos, artwork , and other items.

Another piece to add in your home, especially in the space dedicated to worklife, is a vision board. Hang this vision board somewhere you can see it daily, filled with pictures and quotes that inspire you. 

4. Greenify Your Home

If you are someone who loves greenery, greenify your home by adding plants to your space. Plants can bring a sense of calm and improve your home’s air quality.

If you are a new plant parent, start out with some low-maintenance plants such as succulents and spider plants. 

It can be challenging to separate the thought of work from home, and not seeing it as a place to de-stress or relax anymore, but making some small changes can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. 

For more tips on how to optimize your home for mental health, check out this infographic: 

From the Coach’s Corner, here are relevant work-from-home and career tips:

Work From Home Tips to Keep Work and Home Separate — Mental health experts stress the importance of having a real separation between work and leisure. If you’re struggling with finding this balance, here’s how.

Tips for Telecommuters to Optimize Home Internet Service — The lifestyles and careers of millions of Americans have, of course, changed as a result of the coronavirus crisis. If you’re a remote worker, and if you have children at home, your home Internet service might need to be optimized. Here are five tips.

Career Tips – Succeeding at Remote Work as an Introvert — If you’re an introvert, you might find it difficult to speak assertively for yourself and stand out as a remote employee. Here’s how to succeed.

Renovation Programs to Make Your House WFH Approved — With so many of us working from home, our homes are a big factor in our business success. Here are nine tips.

Strategies to Impress Recruiters in Your Virtual Job Search — In today’s job market, standing out from the crowd is essential. Working with a job recruiter could be what you need to get ahead in this competitive climate.

“Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.”

-George Burns


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.