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To be respected for having stellar management behavior, you should be adept in multiple skills. Coaching is important to encourage growth while showing your employees you care about their welfare.

Consider these 12 skills:

1. Personalized attention

To demonstrate your care for each employee, schedule one-on-one meetings. Use them as opportunities for coaching to enable them to contribute toward your group’s goals.

Ideally, you should start meetings by asking open-ended questions. By giving employees opportunities to talk openly, you’re more apt to learn what they are thinking, what they need to learn and what their aspirations are.

2. When feasible, ask employees for their preferred times to meet

Employees feel valued if their needs are being considered by you. It’s sometimes best to get employees’ input for scheduling dates and times.

Why? They might be at a critical point on a project that shouldn’t be interrupted. For a work-life balance, they might need to take time off for a medical appointment or to deal with a child’s issue.

This, of course, is true if you have employees in another city or time zone. Be sure to be consistent in your communications with these employees.

Executive decisions aren’t always best. Avoid micro managing. Great managers encourage their employees to solve problems on their own.

3. Inspire your employees to be proactive

Executive decisions aren’t always best. Avoid micro managing. Great managers encourage their employees to solve problems on their own.

True, it might take time but rest assured you’ll be enabling employee growth. But there’s another major benefit. Eventually, you’ll be saving yourself time in your management responsibilities.

4. Show appreciation by rewarding employees for succeeding in developing solutions

Employee recognition is important. Your employees will feel more valued if you show your appreciation. When employees triumph over a perplexing problem affecting the company or they work hard to finish a big project, offer an extra-long lunch break, a half-day off, a three-day weekend or an extra vacation day off.

In this way, your employees will be able to celebrate their success. It also allows them time to relax and get recharged to prepare for the next project.

5. Plan a feedback event

Hold a meeting to demonstrate your appreciation and positive feedback. Congratulate your employees for a job well-done. Publicize their success company-wide.

An exciting way for employees to learn what others appreciate or respect about them: Hold an esteem and team-building event. For this type of event, you might need to bring in an outside participant such as a consultant to host the meeting.

Gather employees to sit in a circle. Ask employees to write their names on a blank piece of paper and for each person to pass the paper to a co-worker. The co-worker should write what they appreciate or respect about that person.

In this event, you’ll be encouraging employees to support each other, and each person will appreciate getting compliments from co-workers.

6. Management’s written appreciation of employees

Employees will appreciate receiving written communications from bosses who recognize high performance.

It’s recommended to use a fomula approach containing three simple elements: 1) Specifically mention an employee’s good work; 2) explain how it benefited the team and company; and 3) compliment a specific trait that’s appreciated about the employee.

7. Openly recognize good performance in meetings

An employee who delivers a strong performance or who solves tricky problems deserve public recognition. Praise such employees.

Ask the employees to share how and why they were successful. The persons will appreciate the recognition and the meeting will enable the other employees to learn.

Ask the employees to share how and why they were successful. The persons will appreciate the recognition and the meeting will enable the other employees to learn.

8. Collaboration manual for large companies

Once new employees are settled, ask them to complete a communication-focused user manual to explain their preferences to communicate and interact with others.

Here are two sample questions to ask: “What method do you prefer to use in communicating with co-workers?” and “How do you deal with interruptions?”

Such a manual shows employees the company cares about them and their preferences. Plus, it enhances collaboration between workers.

9. Show employees your support for their career goals

Have a heart-to-heart conversation with employees about their career goals. This will demonstrate your concern about their long-time careers and welfare.

Note: In this day and age, remember not all employees will tell you they plan to stay in their current positions or with your company indefinitely.

Employees will appreciate your interest: 1) They will appreciate your in iterest; they will be inspired to remain with your company; 3) if they move on, they will be singing your praises to others for the stepping stone you provided them.

10. Knowing when to teach or when to facilitate

Both teaching and facilitating are powerful tools for managers. Teaching is merely sharing information. Facilitating is a simple process of asking open-ended questions to help employees determine solutions to problems on their own.

11. Empathy for ill workers

Whether it’s due to surgery or illness, many employes tend to feel guilty about their absences. Visiting them in the hospital, sending a note or a care package will help them to relax about missing work.

Employees will relax, heal and know how much you care.

12. Giving feedback to employees

Whether it’s positive feedback or a reprimand, remember three things: It must be timely, contain specifics, and be focused on the future to encourage more good performance or bad.

Make certain it’s a learning experience. If handled properly, employees are likely to learn, and appreciate your feedback.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are more management strategies:

Dreaded Discussions You Must Have – 7 Management Tips — In most organizations, managers must inevitably have conversations with employees regarding their work. Here are seven crucial steps.

Management – 8 Steps to Solve Employee Incivility — Obviously, mutual respect are vital in cooperation and teamwork for performance. Clear management strategies are necessary if you have uncivil staff members.

8 Tips to Hurdle Barriers Preventing Best Management — Quality managers inherently know two concepts: 1. How to avoid the three typical obstacles to maximum efficiency. 2. They practice eight practices for best management.

Management – Improve Communication, Stop Rumor Mill — Gossiping and rumors hurt your staff morale and organizational performance. Such toxicity and negativity can also lead to expensive lawsuits. Here’s what you can do as a manager.

Management: Are You Stressed over Unfilled Positions? — If you’re having difficulty in recruiting workers — you’re not alone — so you might have to put on a new set of glasses in how you view your recruiting process.


“Treat employees like they make a difference and they will.”

-Jim Goodnight


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.