Photo courtesy of Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash
Designing simple banner ads without strategic planning no longer suffices. The digital click rates have declined significantly, especially in B2B.
To shine in the clutter of Internet advertising, there are at least 10 tips to keep in mind. That’s true in your mobile or Web site strategies.
Here are 10 tips:
1. Make it simple to understand
Don’t be too cute or you’ll confuse your target audience for a few seconds. Users make a split-second decision on whether to click on your creative.
Provide a tempting motivation with simple language. Synthesize your ad with the site.
2. Use rich media
Movement will help to catch a user’s eye. Google offers a rich-media development tool.
3. Harness mobile advertising
Particularly with Millennials who are increasingly using smartphones, mobile ads are all the rage.
4. Create multiple ad sizes
There are seven Web ad sizes, and flash and HTML5 options. Then, use the ones that work for you.
4. Remember marketing 101: Test, test and test
Create options to test and to see what works well. You can even create a focus group, which can be a group of tech-savvy friends to look at your ads and give you feedback.
5. Keep in mind the acronym, WIIFM
Users subconsciously will ask the question: “What’s in it for me?” Get to the point right away with an irresistible opportunity.
6. Relevance works
Know your audience. Your ad should integrate well with a blog or other content.
7. Consider native advertising
Native advertising — a text look — is creating revenue for many marketers. That’s where the ad looks like an article — part of the Web site.
8. Insert a “click here” link
It works well as a call to action.
9. Create an interactive ad
An interactive ad allows users to choose their path to follow. It will be a journey they enjoy while learning about your company.
10. Garner information
Most ads take users to a site. But some users are reluctant to go. It’s possible to collect information, such as an e-mail address. It’s do-able on your own Web site, which means you’re likely to have a higher rate of conversion.
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