Some speakers appear stiff or wooden. Have you ever noticed how some public speakers perform flawlessly How they seem to be authentic, natural speakers?

Our thought processes prevent us from becoming natural speakers, says Eric Stone, a leading expert in how to improve communication with others, public speaking and performance.

Mr. Stone says being a natural speaker is difficult “because we are so identified and attached to the endless gymnastics of the mental plane.”

In other words, Mr. Stone says we’re distracted by our thoughts.

“Any time of the day, our minds are technically ‘on fire’ plotting the next chapter of our lives or putting out the fires from yesterday or yesterdays; or still, measuring this or that in reference to what we should have done, could have done, will do, etc.,” he explains.

Mr. Stone, a former New York City stage and television actor, operates Speakers and Artists International, Inc. in Beverly Hills, Calif. His Web site is

He provides five insights to becoming a natural speaker:

The mind is always so busy thinking, comparing, and assessing that being natural and relaxed gets lost and takes a back seat.

There’s no break from that it seems; and yet there are people who make it into a practice, even a way of life such as athletes, musicians, dancers, actors, performers and in the business world as well.

Our best and effortless experiences in life occur when it is the mind that takes the back seat. In my view, the difference between being and thinking is listening, and listening comes from watching with our internal body rhythm as opposed to judging or evaluating with our thoughts.

Even when we listen to music we are watching or contemplating imagery, which evokes feelings and sensations. These feelings are part of our internal rhythm and very far from thinking. Therefore, ease of being comes from the physical body. It is not a mental process.

Confusion arises because we trust our thoughts way before we trust our bodies (breath, senses, intuition, feelings, instincts, touch, etc.). When we begin to pay attention to the body, internal rhythms naturally emerges.

For instance, the weight of your body on a chair or standing, your heart beating, the flow of your breath going in and out, sensations such as warmth, applying yourself to a task, sport, activity, etc.

Inhabiting our natural rhythm is a simple task. It requires a change of allegiance from our thoughts to our inner rhythm.  I have called it “body-time experiencing.”

Body-time has a different quality or atmosphere, which seems to render everything effortless and transparent, all anchored and rooted in physical sensations not mental activity.

When we allow the physical realm to anchor our thinking process, we start noticing major improvements that make a real difference with everyone and everything we touch, professionally and personally.

In my professional and personal experience, over-thinking and the speed of the mind is like an addiction.

From the Coach’s Corner, more public-speaking tips:

Maximize Your Speaking with the Power of Pauses — Have you ever noticed why some people succeed as powerful public speakers? One salient reason is they know how to use the power of pauses.

Public Speaking Tips – for Speeches in Accepting Awards, Honors — So you’re about to be honored for your pro bono work, volunteerism, or for creating a foundation to fund scholarships for education. But you get stage fright or don’t know how to most-effectively frame your acceptance speech? Join the crowd. A lot of people have difficulty in public speaking.

To Give a Great Speech, 9 Tips to Manage Your Nervousness – If you get nervous even at the thought of giving a speech, join the crowd. You’re not alone. Many people get nervous because they fear criticism, embarrassment, failure and/or rejection. But if you learn to manage your nervousness, you can give great speeches. Here are nine tips.

Learn to Give a Speech Like a Business Pro with 8 Tips – When it’s time to give a speech, do you tremble with abject fear? Do you break out in a cold sweat? Getting terrified and tongue-tied is not a fun experience. It’s OK to be nervous before giving a speech in public or speaking in a meeting at work.

7 Steps to Become Great at Thinking on Your Feet – Have you ever been at a loss for words? For example, when asked a question, have you been tongue tied in a sales presentation, while speaking at an event, in negotiations, during an interview or a staff meeting? Getting tongue-tied is not a fun experience.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”
-Henry Ford


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is also a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.