Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash


From the effects of the pandemic, many companies are swamped and putting out fires to protect lives and earnings.

Still, to be a leader in marketing and sales, to use best practices you must keep an eye on the future to plan for both the marketplace reconstruction and your growth.

What you do now to garner revenue is the all-important groundwork for long-term sustainability.

The keys: Move with rapid-fire quickness, adroitness and get intimately more familiar with your customers.

Quickness and adroitness

With the exception of homes, sales of new cars and other luxury products have decreased. Consumer confidence is down and will remain fairly low, as a result of President Biden’s policies according to the nation’s leading economist.

So, there have been decreases everywhere in the marketplace.

This underscores the importance of strategic planning for quickness and adroitness to be competitive until the pandemic nightmare has passed.


Stay Connected with Your Customers Even During a Crisis


Such innovation will pay big dividends for astute marketing and sales leaders. They will have an enthusiastic mentality like a new entrepreneur.

They value testing of ideas and fast action. This includes changing business models to remote sales schemes.

Enhanced sales will result from astute coaching on new analytics for understanding customer preferences with new sales technology.

Success post-coronavirus will also hinge on evaluating and changing supply chains.


Leaders will fully assess their current positions and forecast future customer preferences and values.

To achieve growth, they’ll analyze online search trends, social media topics and point-of-sale data.

They will continually update their research methods.


Overcome COVID-19 by Recasting Your Business Model


They’ll anticipate how their initiatives affect earnings before interest and taxes.

Leaders will compare their sales forecasts with their efficiencies in marketing, distribution, and competitors.

Along the way, they’ll continually analyze growth and profitability.

Taking action

Once enough information is obtained, leaders will take necessary action to capture growth from re-allocating of targeting methods and messaging to marketing investments and inventory.


10 Principles to See Coronavirus as Opportunity for Growth


They’ll also be defensive-minded. That includes being mindful of high-selling categories and risks.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Leaders will keep an eye on their KPIs with customer insights to make rapid decisions to solve problems and innovate.


KPIs in Managing Your Inventory for Ecommerce Profit


They’ll coordinate resources building new operating models to attract customers by quickly prioritizing where to invest in their sales pipelines.

Good luck. Soon the day will come when you won’t be swamped and putting out fires to protect lives and earnings.

From the Coach’s Corner, editor’s picks:

Ecommerce Startup Tips to Avoid the Amazon-Effect – Ecommerce success requires a ton of knowledge, planning and perseverance. If you’re looking for ecommerce success without the emerging chaos with Amazon, here are strategies to consider.

Coronavirus Pandemic – a Silver Lining for Companies – Despite an overwhelming need for efficiency and innovation in the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon has been failing in customer service and was forced to make drastic changes to the detriment of thousands of brands. For non-Amazon vendors, this is an opportunity for growth.

If You Want Business Hypergrowth, What You Need to Know – Hypergrowth refers to rapid scaling of a business. It can be explained by pitfalls associated with the S Curve, and the point where the losing companies start falling behind the winners.

Ecommerce Profit – Tips to Get Lifetime-Value Customers – If you’re selling via ecommerce, you probably know the geography where your customers reside and have insights about their preferences. But demographics are important, too.

Trending – Digital Marketing to Meet Demands of Consumers – For long-term sustainable success in digital marketing to meet demands of consumers, be mindful of these trends and strategies.

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”

-Joe Chernov


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.