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In marketing, effective strategies are increasingly important. Millions upon millions of information are circulated throughout the world each day.

In order to attract customers amid all the competition for eyes and ears is fierce. And it’s only going to get worse for you as you try grab attention.

Buying decisions are based on emotion

All buying decisions are based on emotion. So, engage your target audience. It’s in your best interest to start by effectively telling your brand’s story.

Brand storytelling involves more than describing your company. With today’s savvy consumer, you cannot succeed with just traditional advertising.


Storytelling: Motivate Customers to Brag about Your Company


Consumers conduct research looking for brands that are trustworthy and likeable. For you, it requires building an emotional connection for authenticity and transparency.

True, you want to put your best foot forward. First impressions are lasting impressions.

But every company goes through difficult periods. You must acknowledge them. Moreover, flaunt them.

For an immediate, lasting emotional impact: Include helpful visuals. The average person processes visuals more vividly than mere words.

For resonating with customers, the following infographic explains best practices.

Brand Storytelling: Connecting With Customers from Air Labs


From the Coach’s Corner, here are related strategies:

Sales Success: Flawless ‘Brand Personality Appeal’ Is Vital — How you can gauge your brand’s personality appeal – if it’s suitable to yield great sales. Here’s a checklist of 16 important factors to measure your brand’s personality.

Winning in Branding, Sales – The 6 Key Characteristics of a Logo — One key element for a company’s branding and sales that often gets short shrift is a great logo. Whether you’re an entrepreneur entering a brave new world or an established company needing profits, a great logo helps ensure top-of-mind awareness.

For Profits, Align Sales and Marketing … Here’s How … — Alignment of sales and marketing is crucial for your success. Incohesive sales and marketing strategies result in wasted resources and a poor return on your investment.

Key to Unlock Vital Sales Secret: Attract, Keep Customers — Despite all the emphasis on speed in customer service, it’s not the salient factor in sales — for attracting and keeping customers happy. The power of emotion is most important for higher sales.

Marketing Checklist – Tips for Growth and Winning — Here are fundamentals in marketing, plus links to additional relevant information.

“Too many brands treat social media as a one way, broadcast channel, rather than a two-way dialogue through which emotional storytelling can be transferred.”

-Simon Mainwaring


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.