Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


The dos and don’ts for best decision-making are applicable in three ways: Whether you have difficulty making the best decisions, engage in self doubt after making one, or are gun shy because some of your decisions have failed you.

To err is human. Businesspeople have been known to make unproductive decisions even after conducting a SWOT analysis. It’s common to get it wrong to set yourself up for failure.

But it’s also possible to avoid being victimized from decision-making.

Whether it’s a career matter or a personal dilemma, here are tips to remember:

1. Especially, if it’s a major situation, accept it

Realize that if you’re facing an unforeseen dramatic situation, you’ll undergo three emotional stages:

— Shock and denial.

— Anger and depression.

— Understanding and acceptance.

Understand that this is the process and it’s important to get to the bottom of the acceptance stage as soon as you can.

2. Avoid confirmation bias in your research

Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for information that sides with you – either by giving more weight to information that confirms your goal or by ignoring information that shows the evidence cannot be right. Don’t let your ego run amuck.

3. Take precautions to be objective

Don’t let memories of past events cloud your thinking. Don’t confuse the new issue with others in your past. Seek the truth.  Research objective online sites; possibly with this list of informative Web sites.

4. Keep an open mind

Don’t pre-judge your situation. Don’t let your personal biases or cronyism create inappropriate attachments lead to the wrong outcome. Practice the principle of contrary action in all that you do.

5. Learn from past mistakes

Take stock, admit mistakes and profit from them. But if you’re a new boss, here are strategies to succeed as a new manager – a checklist.

6. Get a good mentor

A good mentor is a coach – someone who is a devil’s advocate and sounding board – not a yes-person – for honest feedback.

7. Foster critical thinking in your organization

A leader has multiple sources of information, including knowledgeable, assertive employees and peers.

8. Ask the right questions

Make certain they’re open-ended questions.

9. Don’t be tempted to take shortcuts

Shortcuts will get you where you don’t want to go – but only faster.

Cash flow is the normal concern in the new economy. If financials are a problem, here are step-by-step solutions for a company turnaround.

From the Coach’s Corner, think about 9 key questions before you form a partnership.

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.”

-Proverbs 19:20


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.