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Mindfulness practices can guarantee an improvement to your quality of life as well as the mental health of your employees. 

There have been a multitude of studies done that shows the impact it can have long term over things like building a positive mental health environment in your business, increasing the bottom line and the retention of employees. 

If you’re looking to increase sales and strengthen your business practices, mindfulness in the workplace is a good starting point.

Mindfulness opens the door to increased confidence, improves listening skills, reduces stress, strengthens mental resilience and better regulates emotional control. 

Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness gives you the ability to be fully present. It creates the space to observe how you feel in the moment as well as perceiving the social cues from those around you. 

Nectar Marketplace has created a resource filled with actionable tips that will help you implement mindfulness practices into your sales process. You can also check out 20 additional tips from Nectar to implement guaranteed to drive growth.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are related sales strategies:

Career Tips: 5 Morning Habits of Winning Entrepreneurs — The key is to manage the highs and lows synonymous with a dynamic roller-coaster ride. You must stay on an even keel, despite all the negative surprises. Develop habits that make certain your attitude is contagious – an attitude worth catching — to prepare for daily success.

The 7 Steps to Higher Sales — Secrets for sales success – seven steps to higher sales, five value perceptions that motivate customers to buy, and the three-step process for overcoming sales objections.

Classic Red Flags You’re about to Lose a Sale – How to Save It — You’ve done your research about a prospective client, and you’re making a sales presentation. Here are red flags indicating you might lose the sale.

Ways to Successfully Automate Your Lead Nurturing Process — To increase your revenue, lead nurturing is the practice of interacting and creating relationships with potential consumers. Here are all the basics for you to consider.

Customer Acquisition Costs: What Are They and Why Do They Matter? — CAC is important because you don’t want to be spending more to acquire a customer than you are spending on your product or service.

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.”

-Peter Drucker


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.