Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash


With trends constantly changing, it’s hard to keep up with younger consumers and what they want from a brand. Ensuring you have their loyalty will boost your brand tremendously. However, finding out how to gain their loyalty and trust is the first and hardest step.

Whether it’s social media challenges or home-buying trends, it’s important to stay on top of it all. Rather than constantly changing your company’s strategy every few months, stay consistent with these few easy tricks to help your company thrive.

1. Be Value-driven

Consumers now more than ever before pay attention to who the brand is and what they stand for. They look for companies that they consider ethical and have the same values they do. Knowing your target audience and your brand’s voice can help you pick the right topics and issues you want to raise awareness for.

It can be small or large issues, but using the platform your company has and creating a voice can go a long way. It might narrow your target audience depending on what you choose to advocate for, or it may attract a more loyal core audience that can scale with your business.

2. Make A Change In The World

While Gen Z and Millennials are vastly different in how they consume products, they want to make a change in the world and they look for companies who want the same. Stating your values is one thing, but consumers also look at whether you are actively trying to help those issues and causes. It doesn’t have to just be up to the big companies to make a change. 

Even something as small as recycling or donating a portion of your earnings to a cause shows younger generations you care for them and are not just taking their money. It makes your brand more personable and relatable and helps boost your credibility as well as trust between you and the consumer.

3. Have Product Accessibility

Accessibility is one of the most essential parts of becoming a successful brand. Being accessible ensures you have a broad target audience and doesn’t rule anyone out of using your services.

Having an online and in-person store with shipping available and updated information allows all types of people to use your company’s products. It allows consumers to have the choice of going in-person or online. Having both options may help with things such as:

  • People who may not feel comfortable due to things such as anxiety 
  • Customers with a lack of transportation to and from stores 
  • 24/7 service
  • Allowing consumers to have more options of how they can shop

4. Stay Relevant Online

With social media being a prominent factor in advertising and the types of brands younger consumers use, it is a necessity to be at the front of their feed reminding them why they should use your brand. However, it is important to note that each social media platform is different. 

Staying with social media trends can change how younger consumers view your brand. Instead of seeming like a robot and posting at the same time each day, try commenting funny and relevant things on others’ posts or liking other content that everyone else is liking, too. This can easily build your brand’s voice while advertising your products.

Properly targeting Gen Z and Millennial consumers can change the entire course of your brand. While it may seem overwhelming and impossible at times, taking small steps and making minor changes to your brand and its voice can be the difference you are looking for.

Gen Z and Millennials want to be seen and heard by brands. They want to make a change in the world and seek brands who are willing to help. Be the change they are looking for and watch your company thrive.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are related sources of marketing information:

Plan for Business Profits Using the 7 Ps of Marketing — After 250 years in the various stages of marketing, the 7 Ps of marketing are the crème de la crème in checklists to earn optimal profits.

Customer Acquisition Costs: What Are They and Why Do They Matter? — CAC is important because you don’t want to be spending more to acquire a customer than you are spending on your product or service.

9 Tips to Enhance Your Customer Experience (CX) Strategy — A lot is involved to effectively shorten the time between setting your business goals and meeting customers’ needs. Here’s how to organize your customer experience strategy.

Vital Steps to Strategically Plan Your Sales Growth — You can plan to grow your business but a solid growth strategy is much more than developing and implementing a marketing plan.

You’ll Increase Sales with these Mindfulness Strategies — Wondering how to increase sales and improve employee mental health? Click here to learn how practicing mindfulness in the workplace can help.

“Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.”

-Seth Godin


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.