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For you as an employer, here’s a question: Are your workers happily enjoying their work?

If so, they feel appreciated and recognized. This translates into optimal communication in terms of employee engagement, increased productivity and even healthier customer relationships.

Employees will work harder and will be terrific in collaborating with one another.

Conversely, if your employees don’t feel appreciated and recognized, this will cost you profits.

So, make it a priority to show appreciation to your employees.


Inexpensive Ways to Create a Fun, High-Performance Culture


To learn why and how to show more appreciation – consider the following infographic.


It describes how companies and managers might incorporate more displays of recognition and gratitude into the workplace.

This will maximize your chances to benefit your employees and your organization.

The Power of Appreciation from Gift Card Granny

From the Coach’s Corner, here are related strategies:

Upgrade Employee Morale Amid Coronavirus Social Distancing — The key is to focus on efficiency, which is enhanced by high morale, especially if many of your employees must work from home. Here are four tips.

For Best Performance, Inspire Employees with Non-Financial Rewards — Money talks, of course, and is a way to motivate employees. But money is not always the chief motivator. Here’s why plus the four categories of ideas to inspire your employees.

Affordable Yet Creative and Proven Employee-Loyalty Ideas — Your employees are not different from you as the boss. They have emotions, families and needs. If they feel appreciated, they’ll also value the culture and work environment in your company.

HR-Social Media Tips for Best Employee Morale, Culture — Social media affects your company’s culture – probably as much as the employees who engage in water cooler gossip. It’s true. Your company’s reputation is affected internally and externally by social-networking sites.

How to Smoothly Manage Your Employee Vacation Schedules — Depending on the size of your staff, managing around your employees’ vacation schedules can be a thorny issue. That’s especially true for a small operation. With just a few employees, it can be difficult to keep everyone happy and to cover the workload.

“Employee loyalty begins with employer loyalty. Your employees should know that if they do the job they were hired to do with a reasonable amount of competence and efficiency, you will support them.”

-Harvey Mackay


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.