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Does your company have gaps in management expertise?

To be really successful, people appointed to management avoid being just a care-taking manager. Best practices include knowing the differences between leaders and managers. In essence, they need to master nine subjects.

Here’s an overview:

1. Employment law

At the very least, management training should include the basics about the law; both federal and for your region. Otherwise, companies will veer into troubling legal waters.

2. Develop a risk management mindset

Sometime around 1500, Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus is credited with coining the phrase “prevention is better than cure.” That’s certainly true about management in the 21st century.

Perceived slights or even sleights to employees can lead to lawsuits. Obviously, managers must know how to avoid discrimination suits.

Furthermore in legal cases, supervisors need to be trained in how to avoid behavior that would destroy the company’s credibility in a court proceeding.

3. Recruiting, interviewing and hiring

From the recruiting to hiring processes, it’s important to use the right verbiage in recruitment ads, ask questions the right way and hire the best employees.

Furthermore, you’ll get top results if you can partner with your employees.

4. Performance evaluations

Before even sitting down to give formal reviews to employees, managers needn’t fear the process. In real time, they should focus on giving regular if not daily feedback when necessary to employees on their performances.

These discussions should be documented and serve as reference points to help avoid errors in evaluations, and decision-making especially before deciding to promote or terminate workers.

5. Communication to earn respect

To become proficient in communication, managers will implement leadership strategies to earn employee respect.

Expertise in communication ranges from listening skills to reprimanding poor performances with an emphasis on employee behavior (not their attitudes, which is often a catalyst for legal hassles).

6. Coaching and inspiring employees

Coaching is important in multiple ways. They include coaching employees to better performance or behavior. It’s also vital to be able to inspire teamwork among all of your team members.

7. Managing the big picture

A good approach in management and in human resources will improve your business performance.

Managers should be able to promote trust in the workplace, develop employees, manage small problems before they become nightmares and treat all employees equally well to avoid the appearance of discrimination.

8. Managing uncomfortable situations

Every business experiences difficult challenges. They must be solved for profitability and long-term sustainability.

A good manager methodically ends conflicts, anticipates and fixes cultural issues, and promotes trust and efficiency.

9. Terminating employees

When an employee fails to contribute to the welfare of the organization – even after coaching – termination is necessary. However, before terminating an employee, ask yourself 3 important questions.

Then, best practices are needed to hire a replacement.

Additionally, it’s hurts an organization to lose a valued employee. When a talented worker resigns, good managers will determine the true reasons and learn from the experience.

Obviously, they will take positive steps in the future for productive hiring and retention of talented employees.

From the Coach’s Corner, editor’s picks:

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How to Get Strong Results from Your HR Training Investment — Here’s how to obtain a strong ROI from human resources training including how self-awareness training grooms each person’s self esteem to grow 30 percent. This leads to greater morale and profits.

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.”

-Anne M. Mulcahy


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.