Image by Ronny Overhate from Pixabay
Companies that don’t convert their employee handbooks into electronic documents are missing noteworthy opportunities in human resources.
Conversely, businesses that switch to a digital format accomplish at least five HR goals:
- They save money by not printing their handbooks.
- They’re able to update their handbooks much more easily and save even more money.
- They connect better with younger employees; many of whom don’t read printed materials.
- They make it more convenient for employees to see your HR policies.
- They are more environmental friendly and convey the right eco- image to their employees.
So an electronic handbook is a suitable tool to help you in employee-engagement.
A sure-fire way to improve employee engagement for profit is to partner with your employees.
In fact, I would argue a handbook designed for the 21st century is helpful to achieve profits, and for powering your brand with employee empowerment.
Note: There are dos and don’ts in switching employee handbooks to an electronic platform whether it’s to a database or Web site.
It isn’t a difficult process and it makes it easy for you to insert updates.
But there are best practices to guard against legal hassles or simple miscues.
Best practices include:
- Prominently insert your employee acknowledgment form. You’ll want your employees to see any disclaimer and acknowledgment forms before reading the document.
- Secure your document. Make certain your employees have to create and use passwords to see the handbook. You don’t want non-employees to see it.
- Make sure your handbook is mobile-friendly.
- Insert links into your document that will make it easy for employees to see related information pertaining to your benefits, health care insurance or federal tax forms.
- Incorporate all important email, telephone and other information.
- Make certain to thoroughly proofread your handbook before going online. Look for mistakes, omissions and simple typos. Test all links to make sure they work.
- When you update or make changes to your handbook be sure to notify your employees. Send them an email marking it “urgent” with a link to your handbook.
- Request employees to acknowledge the email and to show they’ve read the handbook. Give them a deadline to respond.
- Have a suspense system so that you follow up with employees who fail to respond.
- Perhaps it goes without saying, but you must save and back up all communication with your employees.
For workers who still prefer a hard copy – whether they don’t use computers or who just simply want one – accommodate them with a hard copy.
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“Highly engaged employees make the customer experience. Disengaged employees break it.”
-Timothy R. Clark